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SMITHS INTERCONNECT HyperGrip® Series Product Sterilization

Transmission of disease in a healthcare setting is a major concern among medical professionals. Specifically, any medical device which is used within the sterile field in a surgical setting must be sterile prior to its introduction to the patient.

Sterilization is more than just Disinfection. Whereas Disinfection reduces the number of infection causing microorganisms, Sterilization is an unconditional process, assuring that there are no microorganisms on the device, by either killing or removing them. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “Any item, device, or solution is considered to be sterile when it is completely free of all living microorganisms and viruses. The definition is categorical and absolute (i.e., an item is either sterile or it is not). A sterilization procedure is one that kills all microorganisms.”

Typical Sterilization processes used for medical devices include: Autoclaving, EtO sterilization, and hydrogen peroxide gas plasma technology.

See also:
SMITHS INTERCONNECT HyperGrip® Series Product Sterilization (pdf) for more product information, specifications and ordering information.

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