TE Connectivity Introduces INSTALITE ZH-150 Tubing
TE Connectivity (TE) introduces INSTALITE ZH-150 tubing, the first heat-shrinkable tubing to combine high-temperature and zero halogen properties in a lightweight material. TE's groundbreaking INSTALITE ZH-150 heat-shrink tubing helps you meet existing and future requirements for zero halogen, limited fire hazard tubing with high-temperature properties. The tubing helps provide excellent mechanical and electrical protection for wire and cable harnesses across multiple environments. This new breakthrough in material science provides a heat-shrink product that can deliver protection for people and equipment in a high-temperature, lightweight product.
- Offer a unique, lightweight crosslinked material
- Provide advanced performance with halogen free, flame retarded, fluid resistant and ruggedized, abrasion resistant tubing
- Provide versatility with a 2 to 1 shrink ratio, in eight sizes, limited fire hazard and metric sizing
- Deliver a single system for multiple application environments
- Offer easy handling with highly flexible and lightweight material
- Harsh environment
- Railway and mass transit
See Also:
TE Connectivity instalite zh-150 tubing (. pdf) for more product information, specifications, applications and ordering information.